Thursday, September 18, 2008


The baby and I just tried a mei tai for the first time yesterday and WOW. Comfy!

We've tried a Hotsling first, which was fine when he was smaller because all he would do is curl into a little ball. Once he started getting bigger, it just felt like he was squished in there. Then we got a Moby wrap, which is also pretty comfy, but all that fabric just got too hot, not to mention it's a little cumbersome to put the thing on. So I decided to try a mei tai.

I found a used (but in good condition) BabyHawk from another mama over on the FSOT boards on Diaper Swappers. It arrived yesterday, and I promptly tried it on. (I had to check out some videos on YouTube for visual instructions.) I wore the baby around the house for about half an hour; I walked around, sat, got up, etc while talking on the phone with my parents. For the entire time, I was comfortable, and just as importantly, the baby seemed comfortable. Or, at least, he didn't seem to mind since he was calm and quiet the entire time. (Normally, my kid is blabbering and extremely fidgety when he's on the floor or sitting in his high chair.)

The mei tai I got has a minkee lining, which I wonder if it'll make things hot. We have a few things to do outside today, so it'll be the perfect chance to really try this out.

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